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Welcome to Smithfield United Church of Christ, a vibrant, inclusive, open &affirming church, where radical hospitality and extravagant welcome illumine everything we do! We’re thrilled to invite you to be a part of a community that celebrates diversity and wholeheartedly embraces everyone with love and joy. Come as you are and feel the excitement of our warm and welcoming spirit!
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The Reverend Shannon M. Garrett-Doege is ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament within the United Church of Christ. She currently serves as the senior minister of Smithfield United Church of Christ in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Additionally, she serves as the Youth Minister Associate of the Penn West Conference.  


She received her Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 2021, after earning a graduate certificate in Youth Culture and Youth Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary. Additionally, she earned an undergraduate degree in Theology and Pastoral Ministry from Notre Dame College. Currently, she is a doctoral student at Eden Theological Seminary.  


Originally from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, she grew up in a racially and religiously diverse neighborhood, which nurtured a love for God, the arts, and humankind.  Rev. Shannon holds a deep love for Creation as a whole, a desire to understand people through culture and contexts, a deep passion for social justice, and a conviction towards the work of reconciliation that seeks justice and inclusivity for all of God’s children.    


Rev. Shannon is a passionate leader and a gifted teacher. Deeply rooted in her culture and heritage, she often blends elements of literature, history, music, and pop culture into her pedagogy to reflect the diversity, dynamism, and depth of her theological imagination. Rev. Shannon is an activist and an advocate for justice and joy for all, especially those on the margins. 


Rev. Shannon is married to Caryn Doege who is a pre-licensed clinical therapist. They live in Highland Park, PA with their teenagers Lotus and Lyric, and plus their dogs Clawdeen  and Pawlo. 


  • Adult Education Series
    Adult Education Series
    Date and time is TBD
    Location is TBD
  • Christmas Eve Candlelit Lessons & Carols Service
    Christmas Eve Candlelit Lessons & Carols Service
    Christmas Eve Candlelit Lessons & Carols Service
    Tue, Dec 24
  • Advent Sermon Series: The Woman of Jesus' Genealogy
    Advent Sermon Series: The Woman of Jesus' Genealogy
    Advent Sermon Series: The Woman of Jesus' Genealogy
    Sun, Dec 15
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