Smithfield United Church of Christ
Welcome to Smithfield United Church of Christ! We know that a large number of people worshiping with us have never done so before, and if you are one of them, we are especially glad to welcome you. While you are among us, feel free to participate fully in all that we do: greet the others around you, sign praises to God, take part in communion if it is celebrated that day, put a card in the offering place to let us know who you are or if you would like to learn more about our church, and join us for refreshments after the service! We hope that we will help you find what you were looking and that you will come back.


Ours is an inclusive congregation, Open and Affirming. We are committed to oneness in Christ across all boundaries of race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, family structure, faith background, ability, and economic circumstance.
Learn about our extravagant welcome and other things to expect during your first visit to Smithfield.
Find out what topic we will explore during our next worship and get a taste of a previous one.
Read about our mission, find out our five key values, or enjoy a short video capturing all the above.
Familiarize yourself with some of the familiar faces of Smithfield Church.