Smithfield United Church of Christ
Christian Education
Growing our spiritual lives and providing all who come to our church with a Christian foundation are essential to building a strong Christian community. With this in mind, Smithfield United Church of Christ provides educational programs for different age groups, including our Pilgrim Adventures program for children grades kindergarten through fifth grade, and an adult church school.
​Pilgrim Adventures
Pilgrim Adventures is an education program for children that blends fun activities with Christian education. Led by qualified volunteers, Pilgrim adventure aims to develop a solid Christian foundation while tapping into the creativity of our children and youth. One of the projects that our Pilgrim "adventurers" have undertaken is collecting and assembling bags of cake mix, icing and candles to be distributed to our Walk-In Ministry participants, simply because the children believe everyone should have a birthday cake. The group also created home-made cards to be included in each bag. Pilgrim Adventures meets every Sunday from September to May.

Every summer and winter, Pilgrim Adventure participates in Camp Downtown in partnership with the other churches of the downtown area. Watch for upcoming details for joining in this February.

Adult Church School Classes

Christianity is a life-long journey that comes with challenges, frustrations, life-changing events, and countless discoveries. To help us on this journey, Smithfield United Church of Christ offers an adult education class to stimulate our minds, hearts and spirits. Our Adult Church School class, “Coffee, Tea & Theology” is a comfortable place to ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask while studying scripture and to pray together in silence for the needs of our world. No matter where you are in on your spiritual journey, no matter your age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or social status, you are welcome to join us for lively discussions. As much as we like to dig a little deeper into our spiritual lives, we also love to have a good time!

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​We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our Christian Education programs.