Welcome to Smithfield United Church of Christ. Based in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh, our church has been serving the Pittsburgh community for over two hundred years. From our weekly services to our outreach and educational activities, we are an inclusive congregation, committed to oneness in Christ.
In addition to striving to be the people of Jesus Christ, transcending all boundaries of race, class, gender, ability, culture, and sexual identity, at Smithfield United Church of Christ, we believe in a very simple set of values. The latter are based on the below five principles:
Unity: We want to create a safe inclusive space where all believers are invited to experience Jesus Christ's love and reconciliation individually and communally.
Inclusion: We seek to provide extravagant welcome to all members, visitors and seekers, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, socioeconomics, education, age, and or abilities.
Community We pledge our ongoing commitment to be the light of Christ for all through service to congregants, Pittsburgh, and the greater region.
Justice: We seek to be changemakers by working to undo the systems and structures which lead to inequity and oppression seeking justice and peace in all that we do.
Hope: We are rooted in the life and ministry of Christ Jesus and are confident in the promise of the hope that his reign will bring to all of Creation.

Our vision is to be a beacon of hope and a force for positive change, in Downtown Pittsburgh and beyond. We aspire to be a catalyst for social justice, a sanctuary for spiritual exploration, and a source of inspiration for all who yearn for a more compassionate and equitable world. Together, we envision a future where love, understanding, and unity prevail.